Artist Resources Handbook
Welcome to the ‘a space’ arts Artist Resources handbook.
Dear Artist,
Please find below the newly updated Artist Resources directory. This resource is here to offer you up to date information on what the South East has to offer, in supporting artists in the area. Though the handbook itself is not new, us transferring the handbook onto a webpage, aims to create an accessible way for you to engage with ‘a space’ arts, and find useful information on funding, artist networks, galleries, and much more, that can help further support your creative development and practice.
Please note, this page is still a work in progress and we are always looking for ways to improve, if you have any suggestions on resources to add or on how we can be more accessible as the page builds, please email us on [email protected]
Thank you.
All the best,
‘a space’ arts
‘a space’ arts works to support visual artists and cultural audiences in and around Southampton to create a city where artistic communities can flourish through our Artist Development programme. You can find out more here.
Artist Networks & Groups
South West Region
Visual Arts South West (VASW)
“Visual Arts South West is a sector support organisation. Our mission is to advocate for people in the visual arts to enable the sector in South West England to thrive. We created Together We Will and are working to ensure the visual arts sector commits to upholding intersectional practice. We approach this work knowing we will never finish learning to be better.
The VASW site provides a resource of listings, opportunities news and support. Find out more here.
Follow them on Instagram.
*Also under National Networks
SO area
The CHAOS Network
“The CHAOS Network provides space and time for creatives in Southampton to connect and collaborate. We have monthly meet ups, send out regular newsletters and are growing as an online community. Sign up to get involved, share your news and be part of the conversation.”
Get involved here.
Learn more about their Meet-up & Masterclass offer here.
Creative Network South
“Creative Network South (CNS) is working to develop the creative industries in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Our prime focus is the attraction and retention of creative talent.”
Learn more about them here.
Critical Exchange
“Critical Exchange is a peer network group focused on developing creative work and community relationships through critical dialogue. Using Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process participants are invited to give feedback to support artists’ work through facilitated conversation.”
Join the Facebook group here.
Hampshire Open Studios
“An annual art trail where the visiting public can meet artists in their homes, studios and galleries free of charge. With over 280 venues open, in the ten days leading up to bank holiday Monday in August, visitors get the chance to meet the makers direct, learn more about the work, and we offer a range of participatory workshops.”
Learn more about Hampshire Open Studios here.
Keepers Collective
“A non-profit group of artists based in the City of Southampton, Hampshire on the south coast of the UK. The ‘Keepers’ consists of 8 artists. They come from different backgrounds and disciplines, and share an interest in creating art, community based art projects, and supporting other artist networks.”
Learn more here.
Join their Newsletter here.
SO Creative Women
“An informal supportive network for women and people who identify as women working across creative practices in the Southampton area.”
Join the Facebook group here.
People + Place (PaP)
“PaP is a peer group for artists with monthly meet-ups happening across the New Forest, together carrying out creative investigations into the area and providing a forum of support, sharing, caring and exchange to strengthen one another’s practice”.
A project of More Than Ponies, a contemporary art not-for-profit that seeks to reimagine and reanimate the New Forest area.
Find out more here.
Southampton Visual Artists
“A group for visual artists living in and around Southampton, galleries and art organisations.”
Join the group here.
Wider Hampshire area
“Artist support is at the heart of Aspex Portsmouth’s programme. We offer a variety of opportunities and resources to support the creative development of artists and creative practitioners at all stages of their artistic careers and from all backgrounds. Recognising the barriers many artists face in developing their practice and professional skills in the arts sector, our resources are free to use and designed to share knowledge and learning.”
Find out more here.
Chapel Arts Associate scheme, Andover
“Our CAS associates are a group of professional artists, who come together at all stages of their careers, to support, nurture, and share their work with others.”
Join the group here.
*See also Galleries
National Networks
a-n, The Artist Information Company
“a-n is the largest artists’ membership organisation in the UK with over 30,000 members. We support artists and those who work with them in many practical ways, acting on behalf of our membership and the visual arts sector to improve artists’ livelihoods. Annual membership costs £38 which includes £5m Public and Products Liability (PPL) insurance and £5m Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance. “
Join here.
The Artists’ Collecting Society (ACS)
“The only Community Interest Company dedicated to the collection of the Artist’s Resale Right (ARR), and copyright on behalf of artists and artists’ estates in both the UK and the EEA. ARR is a royalty generated on the sale price of original works of art that are sold on the secondary market. ACS represents over 1,000 artists and artists’ estates including painters, sculptors, photographers, designers, and artists working in glass and ceramics.”
Find out more here.
Artists Union England
“Artists’ Union England supports freelance artists based in England. Annual membership fee is £42 which includes £5m Public & Products Liability insurance, tailored specifically for the needs of practicing visual and applied artists who are based in the UK.”
Learn more here.
“Working with artists across all our projects, we research artists working conditions, ambitions and career barriers. Using this knowledge, we work with partners and networks to make the art world more equitable. We advise arts organisations of all sizes on the best processes and practices to support artists from all backgrounds.”
Learn more here.
“Artsadmin works with artists, communities and collaborators in the development of creative work and conversations. Ensuring the success of these requires us to be led by our values, and to live them across everything we do.”
Learn more here.
Art Rabbit
“ArtRabbit is a platform for international contemporary art exhibitions and events.”
Explore here.
“Axis champions and supports contemporary visual arts in the UK. By providing artists with resources, opportunities, and platforms to support and showcase their work, we make contemporary art more accessible and engaging for all, fostering a vibrant and inclusive arts.”
Membership options (between £1.75-4.50 per month) include profile, directory listing, opportunities finder, and public liability insurance.
Find out more here.
Creative Debuts
“Creative Debuts is an art platform that provides opportunity and support to thousands of emerging artist from all over the world.”
Learn more here.
“A project management toolkit for curators, organisers, galleries, and artists. It is designed to take the hassle out of managing exhibitions, competitions, fairs, and a whole lot more.”
Learn more here.
Contemporary Visual Arts Network (CVAN)
“CVAN is where arts workers come together to drive change in our sector. We are a visual arts network with nine interconnected regions. CVAN England, the national hub, leads the collective agenda. We use our deeply rooted regionality to advocate and campaign nationally to build recognition for the value of visual arts.”
Find out more here.
*See also SO area networks – Visual Arts South West
Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS)
“Founded 40 years ago, DACS is a not-for-profit visual artists’ and creators’ rights management organisation that champions, protects and manages the rights of artists, to maximise their royalties.”
Find out more here.
Disability Arts Online
“Disability Arts Online (DAO) is a UK-based charitable arts organisation led by disabled people. We serve artists and arts audiences who face disabling barriers and, in doing so, enable social change. DAO occupies a unique global position with our website showcasing disability arts content, artist development programmes, partnership and consultancy work, accessible events and a vibrant community of disabled creatives.”
Learn more here.
M/others Who Make
“M/Others Who Make is an international initiative connecting and supporting women and non binary people to thrive in their creative paths, alongside sustaining their caring roles, of self and others. We aim to enrich our community through peer support, mentorship, events, scratch work sharings, and creative opportunities.”
Learn more here.
Outside In
“An established national charity that aims to provide a platform for artists who face significant barriers to the art world due to health, disability, social circumstance or isolation.”
Find out more about them here.
“An events and publishing organisation that asks questions of, and aims to break down the barriers to art education and the contemporary art world. We organise symposia and produce books and videos that feature interviews with further and higher education art staff from across a range of art schools and universities.”
Learn more here.
Shape Arts
“A disability-led arts organisation which works to improve access to culture for disabled people by providing opportunities for disabled artists, training cultural institutions to be more open to disabled people, and through running participatory arts and development programmes.”
Find out more here.
The O List
“The OESS is an online administrative system for galleries, art societies and art institutions, designed to provide a platform for managing artist entries into ‘Open Exhibitions’ and ‘Calls to Artists’.”
Access the list here.
Turps Banana
“London-based publication about painting written by painters, and supported studio space that encourages artist-led programs. Turps Art School has courses both on and off-site including a correspondence course, mentoring programmes and group tutorials”
Find out more about the school here.
Guidance and Creative Practice Resources
Artist Development toolkit
“Self-reflective material for artists at all career stages and for art and design students, enabling them to review their position and explore ways of developing themselves and their practice”
Toolkit here.
Artist Fees toolkit
“Takes you step-by-step through a process to calculate your individual daily rate and prepare quotes for freelance work”
Toolkit here.
Artists Toolkit: Towards Creative Partnerships
“We have developed these simple toolkits in response to a perceived need, by both early career and student artists and non-arts project commissioners, for some simple project guidelines and information to help build better projects”
Resource for Artists here.
Resource for Partners here.
Artquest: Primer
“Everything you wanted to know about being an artist, but didn’t know you needed to know, and probably didn’t know who to ask anyway. Primer is an ebook for new fine art graduates and emerging artists covering the things you need to consider in your first couple of years after graduation. It also provides a useful introduction to our online resources tailored specifically for new artists, of any age, who are entering the visual arts for the first time.”
E-book can be accessed here.
Funding Advice
Rachel Dobbs shares a range of useful tools and resources from the perspective of a serial freelancer. This can be accessed here.
Guidance on Fees and Day Rates for Visual Artists
“Sample day rates to guide arts budgeting and to help visual artists negotiate a fair rate of pay for short-term contracts such as commissions, residencies and community projects”
Guidance can be found here.
How to Guides: Artquest
“Working with artists across all our projects, we research artists working conditions, ambitions and career barriers. Using this knowledge, we work with partners and networks to make the art world more equitable. We advise arts organisations of all sizes on the best processes and practices to support artists from all backgrounds.”
How to guide here.
What They Didn’t Teach You in Art School
“A comprehensive introduction on how to survive and succeed as an artist, artist-curators Rosalind Davis and Annabel Tilley have created an easy to use guide that draws on the advice and experience of over 30 contributors. There’s much here that will be helpful for artists starting out, and possibly some useful tips for more established practitioners too.”
What They Didn’t Teach You In Art School.
DIY Resources
Metal Supermarkets
“Providing the best metals and service to Southampton. Any metal, cut & ready fast! No minimum order size. No hassles. No broken promises.”
Website here.
Network Eagle Lab, Southampton
“With cutting edge facilities, including a photographic studio, laser cutter and 3D printer, Network Lab will support creative, digital and knowledge-based start-ups and scale-ups by delivering the city’s first collaborative, co-working environment.”
Learn more here.
So Make It, Southampton
“A non-profit MakerSpace – a friendly and inclusive place for people who like making things to share knowledge
experience and tools”
Connect with them on Facebook here.
Southampton Repair Café
“Our Repair Cafe is a place where people bring broken items for our volunteer repairers to fix or give advice. We aim to reduce the amount of stuff being thrown away, share skills, and encourage the idea of mending things. We provide lovely tea and cake!”
Facebook page here.
Southampton Scrapstore
“Southampton Scrapstore is a small community charity which is based in Swaythling in the city of Southampton. We are passionate about reducing impact on the environment, reclaiming clean reusable waste and offering it to our members as resources for art, craft, play and learning.”
Learn more here.
Southampton Time Bank
“The Time Bank is a way to use your skills helping others and receiving help in return. Everyone has something to offer, from gardening to form filling.”
Learn more here.
Southampton Wood Recycling Project
“Southampton Wood Recycling Project saves wood waste from going to landfill, provides affordable timber and resources to the local community.”
Details here.
Studio Spaces
SO area
‘a space’ arts: The Arches Studios
“A managed visual arts studio complex, providing 21 workspaces in which an artist’s practice can flourish, providing studios to visual artists at all stages of their careers and working across all media.”
Learn more about The Arches here or email [email protected] to find out more.
SPUDworks, Sway
“Located in the heart of the wonderful New Forest, SPUDworks is a hothouse for artists, the creative economy and the community, aspiring to be a major contributor to the cultural and creative life of the New Forest… and beyond.”
Get in touch at [email protected] or by calling them on 01590 682260.
More information here.
The West Wing Studios, The Point, Eastleigh
“Affordable workspaces for arts and creative businesses in central Eastleigh. A mix of different sized studios and offices as well as individual desk spaces in shared open plan areas, and particularly suitable for start-ups and small businesses working in the creative industries.”
Learn more here.
The Yard, Winchester
“The Yard is an organisation collectively run by local artists, dedicated to promoting visual arts within the Winchester district of Hampshire. It was originally founded in 2007 by a group of graduate artists from the Winchester School of Art, who received support from Winchester City Council. The Yard continues to provide affordable studios to a thriving community of both established and emerging professional artists.”
Find out more here.
Unit 11, Southampton
“Unit 11 is an artist led studio, situated in near St.Mary’s Stadium in Southampton. The space is a relaxed environment to create work and share ideas. We accept all mediums. Our artists currently include a photographer, an illustrator, a printmaker, 3 contemporary mixed media artists and an oil painter.”
Learn more here.
Further afield
Artspace, Portsmouth
“The preeminent creative hub for visual artists and visual arts activity in the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire area. Members’ benefit by association with over thirty years of dedicated support for artists professional development, as well as projects and initiatives that have fostered strong local, national and international links.”
Learn more here.
Factory Studios, Bournemouth
“Factory Studios provide workspaces, studios and creative spaces to hire in Boscombe, Bournemouth. We foster an ethos of creativity and provide an environment for creative businesses and individuals to flourish.”
Find out more here.
Fisherton Mill, Salisbury
“Amazing artists and designers showcase their work in independent, on-site studios. This beautiful and historic Victorian grain mill, built in 1880 and beautifully restored over the past 20 years, provides a fantastic atmosphere for enjoyable and relaxing art viewing, shopping and dining”
Website here.
Hotwalls, Portsmouth
“The Hotwalls Studios brings artists and designer-makers together in an exceptional heritage location. The city’s historic fortifications have been transformed into thirteen working studios and a waterfront dining space”
Learn more here.
Making Space, Havant
“At Making Space, we change lives through craft. From our purpose-built studios in Leigh Park, Hampshire, we literally make space for people and organisations involved in craft. Our charitable aims are to make positive differences, in small ways and large, to people from all walks of life, through creativity.”
Find out more here.
NewRED, Salisbury
“Artist space – NewRED is a platform from which emerging artists can engage their practice in an environment where boundaries are being pushed, questions and ideas being challenged in the context of art practice.”
Learn more here.
Galleries / Exhibition Spaces
SO area
Art House, Southampton
“Your one and only creatively-inspired, community-run, organic, love-filled, not-for-profit, quirky, slightly wonky, homegrown, 100% original, local cafe / gallery / venue / home-from-home in Southampton, bringing inspiration, art, ethical food and creative joy to our city since 2008.”
Connect with them here.
Exhibitions are self-organised and / or collaborative, via the Bunker178 group which local artists (or those with a link to the city and / or its artists) are welcome to join.
Connect with Bunker178 here.
Darts Arts Centre, Hedge End
“The Dart is a community venue for all ages who wish to engage with performing and visual arts. With an emphasis on arts, crafts and music, our centre-run courses are all led by professional practitioners or artists in hour long, half day or full day workshops, including children’s holiday activities. We also encourage local artists to exhibit work in our foyer space, sell through our cabinet or perform at open mic nights or performance platforms. The d.@rt centre boasts specialist rooms for dance, drama, art and music. These spaces are available for hire.”
Learn more here.
Greyladyes Arts Foundation
“GAF is a local arts & heritage centre based in the lovely area of Bursledon by the River Hamble. The GAF Centre is an ideal location to host an exhibition whether it’s a solo, group, school or university show GAF has a range of facilities on offer. Exhibiting at the GAF Centre comes with a range of benefits – If you are interested in exhibiting at GAF, please complete a Exhibition Proposal Form and send this to [email protected]“
Find out more here.
John Hansard Gallery
“John Hansard Gallery, part of the University of Southampton, is one of the UK’s leading contemporary art galleries. We support, develop and present great art by outstanding artists from across the world and are proud to play a dynamic role in the cultural life of Southampton and the region.”
Connect with them here.
Mottisfont, nr. Romsey
National Trust property: “A romantic house and gallery set in beautiful riverside gardens. Maud Russell made Mottisfont her home in the 1930s, bringing artists here to relax and create works inspired by Mottisfont’s past, including an extraordinary drawing-room painted by Rex Whistler. We continue those artistic traditions today, with a permanent 20th-century art collection and major exhibitions in our top-floor gallery.”
The Gallery is programmed 2-3 years ahead and hosts 4-5 exhibitions a year of historical and contemporary works – free to National Trust members.
Learn more here.
The Nutshell, Winchester
“A vibrant centre for the arts in the heart of Winchester, a space where the whole community can come together to experience the wealth of diverse artistic talent living in the city. The Nutshell offers an exciting programme of workshops, small-scale performances and exhibitions along with providing a versatile rehearsal and studio space for creative organisations.”
Exhibition space to hire here.
Solent Showcase Gallery
“We support community groups to develop their creative project ideas and support students to engage in these projects to improve their professional skills. We offer pathways for staff looking to enhance the reach and impact of their research within local communities by acting as a bridge and connector between university and city.”
Find out more here.
Southampton City Art Gallery
“The gallery, based in Southampton’s burgeoning Cultural Quarter, opened in 1939. Southampton City Art Gallery offers the opportunity to enjoy high quality exhibitions ranging from painting, sculpture and drawing, to photography and film, as well as permanent collection and displays that change regularly to ensure new experiences with each visit.”
Learn more here.
DIY Southampton
“DIY Southampton started out as a one day event and has been happening since 2015 at Planet Sounds in Southampton. It celebrates and shares the love of zines, writing, illustration, music, spoken word, poetry and all things creative and wordy! DIY Southampton has been the first stage for many of the performers as well as some amazingly talented seasoned ones too! A proper mix up!”
Join their Facebook group here.
The First Gallery
“The most unusual gallery in the South – a small exhibition space in a suburban family home in Bitterne, offering work for sale at affordable prices”
Learn more here.
Unity Arts Hub
“Gallery space available to artists at no cost, approx. 3.5 x 6.5 metres (including ramp to door). Window to street. Fixed large screen to display power point or videos and Touch screen PC to upload audio to listen for up to four people listening together for shared experience using headphones. Open to visitors from 10am to 7pm – seven days a week, with buzzer entry on door. Work can be available for sale, with no commission taken, and exhibition can be promoted on Unity101, with an interview etc. Space must be returned to original state after exhibition at your own cost. Use of the Arts Hub space is flexible, subject to availability.”
Please contact Project and Station Manager Ram Kalyan ‘Kelly’ on 07773 713 736 or [email protected]
Winchester Discovery Centre
“The Gallery at The Arc, Winchester is a stunning, government indemnity standard exhibition space which allows it to receive works and artefacts of international importance.”
Learn more here.
Further afield
Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth
“Aspex is a charity cultivating art and creativity, rooted in community. We believe that in bringing joy, art broadens minds, facilitates learning, connects and nurtures our communities and stimulates radical imagining.”
Learn more here.
Chapel Arts Studios, Andover
“Chapel Arts Studios (CAS) is a research-led, contemporary arts organisation which exists to support and develop artists and deliver creative education in the North Hampshire region.”
Find out more here.
*See also CAS Associates scheme, in Networks
Gosport Gallery
“The museum at Gosport Museum and Art Gallery was created by the community for the community and shines a spotlight on the town’s rich heritage and social history. There is a wide range of activities and events for everyone to enjoy.”
Find out more here.
Pallant House, Chichester
“We explore new perspectives on British art from 1900 to now through an ambitious programme of exhibitions and creative opportunities for all. We make British art relevant today by exploring contemporary, historic and international connections and redressing imbalances in its history. Our audiences are at the centre of what we do. We constantly strive to understand their needs and motivations and involve them in our work.”
Find out more here.
Quay Arts, Newport, Isle of Wight
“Quay Arts offers a varied and enriching arts programme to the communities of the Isle of Wight and aims to be a centre of artistic excellence within the South of England.”
Learn more here.
The Gallery, Arts University Bournemouth
“We deliver an exciting portfolio of exhibitions, events, international exhibitions and commissioned projects, many of which have toured nationally and internationally, building upon the creative collaboration between the Arts University Bournemouth and external venues. We seek to enhance the cultural capital of the students, staff and alumni whilst also providing a public platform for the arts within the sub-region.”
Learn more here.
Yellow Edge Gallery, Gosport
“Founded in 2019 the Yellow Edge Gallery is one of Hampshire’s newest contemporary art galleries. It is not a commercial gallery, but instead was set up to provide artists with a space of their own to exhibit, discuss, engage and share their work with an audience.”
Learn more here.
Other Arts Organisations
SO Area
Art Asia
“Our mission is to communicate the exciting experience of South Asian Arts to the widest possible audience. Our work aspires to be entertaining, surprising and to celebrate our belief that the Arts of South Asia are universal in their appeal.”
Website here.
Artful Scribe
“ArtfulScribe is a not-for-profit writer development agency based in Southampton. We support emerging and continuing writers in Hampshire, Dorset, and the Solent region to create new work and develop skills through writing workshops, live events and career-development opportunities. We work with all ages and levels of ability, from primary years through to life’s later stages. Our work includes collaboration with schools, businesses and organisations, embedding writing into everyday activities through residencies, creative programmes and individual events that celebrate both spoken and written word.”
Learn more here.
“Artswork works to empower young people through creativity, giving them the opportunity to explore and fulfil their potential in a future that we are all making together.”
Find out more here.
City Eye
“City Eye exists to inspire and promote film and digital culture in the region. Based at Studio 144 in Southampton, we are here to support the community, arts organisations, individuals, emerging talent and established talent in the achievement of filmmaking goals. We achieve this through a wide range of projects and activities including our production work, our education offering and our screening programmes including Southampton Film Week.”
Find out more here.
Learn more about Southampton Film Week here.
Friends of Southampton’s Museums Archives and Galleries (FOSMAG)
“We’re dedicated to supporting and promoting the work of Southampton’s museums, archives, and galleries. Our network of committed volunteer members provide practical help through volunteering at events.”
Learn more here.
Mayflower Theatre
“We are the biggest theatre on the south coast with just over 2,270 seats in our auditorium. Our aim is to bring a diverse range of shows to Southampton, and we present a mixture of spectacular touring productions. We run as an independent theatre and operate as a charitable trust.”
Website here.
MAST Studios
“A multi-art form cultural hub presenting and producing theatre, dance, musicals, music, comedy, circus, cabaret, spoken word, visual arts and family shows. We are community-led, with engagement and consultation at the heart of everything we do. We work with the best touring companies and local artists to present a diverse, vibrant, high-quality artistic programme, alongside our own MAST productions and co-productions. Our community and outreach programme – Engage – works throughout the community giving opportunities to take part and developing both future audiences and future theatre makers. Our Creative hub has 7 resident companies from different art forms whom we work with closely to create exceptional cultural opportunities for the region.”
Website here.
The Point, Eastleigh
“A regional powerhouse for contemporary dance, theatre and combined arts, The Point presents bold, innovative and inspirational new work. Through creative residencies in our world-class Creation Space and our trail-blazing Associate Artist Scheme, we support artists to develop new work and reach new audiences.”
Learn more here.
SOCO Music Project
“SoCo Music Project has been delivering engaging and inspirational music making activities since 2008. We believe everyone has the right to take part in music making, no matter what your ability, age, background or circumstances.”
Find out more here.
Spinney Hollow
“We are a low impact sustainable woodland project specialising in engaging families, young people and adults in all things rural craft. We also champion new theatre and aim to develop the woods as a site to enable research and development for theatre companies”
Learn more here.
Arts Council England
“We champion, develop and invest in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people’s lives. We support activities across the arts, museums and libraries – from theatre to digital art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections.”
Website here.
Arts Council: Freelance Support)
“Freelancers are at the heart of creative production. Without talented artists, technicians, designers, curators, producers, writers and other practitioners, our buildings, fields, streets, shelves, walls would be sorely lacking in creativity and culture.”
More information here.
Arts Council: Project Grants
“Our open-access funding programme for arts, museums and libraries projects. It is always open, and has a quick turnaround, so we can respond to peoples’ good ideas. We also aim to broadly reflect the diversity of contemporary England through the grants we make. National Lottery Project Grants supports a broad range of creative and cultural projects that benefit people living in England. It can support individuals and organisations with grants from £1,000 upwards.”
More information here.
Arts Council: Developing Your Creative Practice
“A development fund designed to support independent creative practitioners”
Learn more here.
Documentation of ‘a space’ arts’ 2019 Funding Workshop can be found here.
Documentation of 2019 ‘How to Apply’ talk by Ruth Kapadia at Chapel Arts Studios can be found here.
Awesome Foundation
“Have a crazy brilliant idea that needs funding? We award $1,000 grants every month. It couldn’t be simpler! Your idea is yours alone. We don’t want a stake in it. We just want to help you make it happen! The Awesome Foundation is an ever-growing worldwide community devoted to forwarding the interest of awesome in the universe.”
Learn more here.
Barker Mill Foundation
“Since 1995 the Barker-Mill Foundation has donated £4 million to local charities, schools, organisations and individuals needing support, primarily in south west Hampshire. The Foundation makes around 80 donations each year predominantly to those in the areas where the family has owned land for generations. Making single donations of up to £5,000, or sometimes more in special cases, the Foundation has funded large and small-scale projects for numerous organisations and helped individuals in exceptional circumstances with much needed support.”
Website here.
GO Southampton (Business Improvement District)
“A Business Improvement District, or BID, is a business-led not-for-profit organisation, funded through a levy collected from businesses within a defined area. The BID delivers additional services to businesses and makes improvements to the city centre, benefitting those who pay into it as well as residents and visitors. GO! Southampton has some limited funds available to support 3rd party projects which fit with the objectives of the BID. These projects could be anything from events to heritage promotion”
Find out more here.
Hampshire County Council
“A range of different grants awarded by the Hampshire City Council to promote regeneration and development within Hampshire.”
Learn more here.
Jerwood Arts
“The leading independent funder dedicated to supporting UK artists, curators and producers to develop and thrive. We enable transformative opportunities for individuals across art forms, supporting imaginative awards, fellowships, programmes, commissions and collaborations. We present new work and bring people from across the arts together in the galleries at Jerwood Space, London, as well as at venues across the UK.”
Find out more here.
Jerwood Arts: Jerwood New Work Fund
“For artists, artistic groups and artist-led organisations to undertake the research, development and creation of new work that enables a step change in their practice and profile. You can apply for between £5,000 and £25,000.”
Find out more here.
Jerwood Arts: Jerwood Bursaries
“For individual artists, curators and producers to determine their own professional development. Jerwood Bursaries provide funding of up to £1,250 to help you explore and develop your practice by enabling you to gain new skills and knowledge.”
Find out more here.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
“Our mission is to be an effective and independent funder, using all our resources to create opportunities and support social change. We partner with inspiring organisations and individuals to put them at the heart of leading change and designing solutions to overcome inequality.”
Website here.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation: Ideas and Pioneers Fund
“We provide grants of up to £20,000 to support people with a vision of a better society to explore their ideas for change. We’re open to applications all year round and the process is simple – just a short form and a two-minute video.”
Find out more here.
Southampton City Council
“Grants are available to support the work and activities of local voluntary and community groups that benefit Southampton city residents.”
Learn more about grants funding here.
Sign up for a funding newsletter here.
“Unlimited is an arts commissioning body that supports, funds and promotes new work by disabled artists for UK and international audiences.”
Find out more here.
*See also – Guidance and Advice
Are we missing something?
Please send any entries you would like us to add by emailing [email protected] (with the subject heading Artist Resources Handbook: please update) and we will try our best to keep this handbook up to date.