ARTICLE 16 by Asten Holmes-Elliot
Artist Resources, Exhibitions
Friday 28th May – Saturday 19th June 2021
ARTICLE 16 is a video art piece made with old format Kodak Super 8mm film and the artwork hopes to capture LGBTQI+ families using a format that has been traditionally associated with the typical ‘nuclear family’.
Celebrating the non-traditional family unit, over recent months Holmes-Elliott invited three queer and non-traditional households to capture their own typical family moments on 8mm film. These recordings were hand developed by the artist and edited to form three new film works. The works produced aim to playfully insert ourselves as queer people and families into a shared cultural memory as a way to challenge certain assumptions about what makes a family, to increase our visibility, and to carve out some space.
ARTICLE 16 takes its name from the 16th article of the Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration advocates that, “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family…”
Located at three points around the city, ARTICLE 16 will be exhibited via projection at night onto Guildhall Square from John Hansard Gallery, and onto Old Northam Road from the Alfred Arcade, as well as screened during the day at Solent University’s The Spark on East Park Terrace. The exhibition opens from 25th May – 19th June 2021.
ARTICLE 16 was made in partnership with ‘a space’ arts, John Hansard Gallery and Solent University. The project was made possible thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England.