ArtVaults: Live Weekend 03
Exhibitions, Workshops
Saturday 15th – Sunday 16th September 2018
Canute's Palace, Porter's Lane, Southampton, SO14 2AR
The third weekend of ArtVaults: Live sees Amanda Moore’s installation host Noemi Lakmaier and Amy Scott-Pillow.
Noemi Lakmaier: The Task of Containing
Saturday 15th September, 1pm – 5pm
Performance, Free, Drop-in
Lakmaier presents a performance which investigates Heidegger’s essay ‘The Thing’, contemplating the reification of thing-hood in contemporary society over the nature of Being.
In a Sisyphean task, Lakmaier very slowly pushes a jug off a cafe table, then picking up the pieces and meticulously gluing them back together again just to push it off the table again and so on.
The relevance of the performance to Rara Avis becomes clear in a video of Lakmaier sitting at the same cafe table in front of the jug reciting The Thing, only this time her voice is dubbed over by the voice of an able-bodied man. With this enquiry Lakmaier questions the agency of her Being over the performed task.
Amy Scott-Pillow: Dwelling
Sunday 16h September, 11am – 4pm
A collaborative project
Amy Scott-Pillow invites the public to collaborate in the creation of a temporary dwelling inside Canute’s Palace.
In medieval times, the construction of such a large permanent stone structure would require significant prestige and wealth; in contrast to the humble peasantry buildings of the time, built from ephemeral materials such as wood, thatch and wattle.
These structures once decayed may not have a long-lasting impact like Canute’s Palace, but to build a shelter continues to require an innate skill that has ensured the evolution of the human species. Scott-Pillow reimagines that concept through the limitations of materials found within the city of Southampton.
Amanda Moore Installation
Throughout September
Amanda Moore’s installation presents a structural framework situated within the once grand Medieval Normandy Longhouse, now known as Canute’s Palace. The structure includes tensile strings, strung across at a high level to support vessels filled with water from the nearby Solent.
The undulating forms of the vessels within the space, link back to the narratives surrounding King Canute’s demonstration that no man has control over the tide, claimed to have been performed by the Solent.
Moore has manipulated the Solent tide by capturing water and transporting it into the space, where it is suspended above the heads of the viewer. As daylight shines through the water receptacles, it casts reflections onto the floor which change throughout the day, producing extraordinary light effects within the architecture.
Once the ArtVaults: Live events are complete and the installation is taken down, the water will be returned back to the Solent.