Associated Events programme for No Notion of Loving by Halves by Jocelyn McGregor

We’re pleased to announce a compelling new event programme for 2025, as part of Jocelyn McGregors’s contemporary commission No Notion of Loving by Halves a site-specific, multi-media installation and programme of live performances that take a deep dive into Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and the enduring legacy of the ‘Female Gothic’.


Associated Events:

GHT Creative Writing Group: Saturday 11th January, 2pm – 4pm

Led by Susmita Battacharya, the GHT Creative Writing Group offers a series of free writing workshops using our contemporary art programme as the stimulus for creativity. For this workshop, Susmita will be exploring different forms of flash fiction. Beginners welcome!

Find out more about the GHT Creative Writing Group HERE



FLARB (Free, Lazy, Arty, Radical Bookclub): Saturday 1st February, 2pm – 4pm

FLARB is a ZEST Arts Collective initiative run by ZEST co-director and artist Ellen Gillett. For this special series of FLARB events at GHT, Ellen will facilitate an informal conversation in response to the exhibition, referencing a newly commissioned text by writer, producer and podcaster Anna Bogutskaya titled ‘Let Them Read Gothic Novels’ along with some coffee and cake.

Find out more about the FLARB workshop HERE.



Artist Voices In-Conversation (Online): Thursday 6th February, 6pm – 8pm

Artist Voices is a series of panel discussions and conversations that aim to support artist development by unpacking and demystifying key topics and issues of the visual arts ecology through discussion with artists and cultural workers. Join writer, film programmer and podcaster Anna Bogutskaya and artists Jocelyn McGregor and Matilda Moors to discuss and unpack the ideas behind Jocelyn’s exhibition, No Notion of Loving by Halves currently on show at God’s House Tower. The conversation will focus on ‘genre’ in art practice, particularly the Gothic and horror, and how artists reference and respond to literature, film and TV.

Find out more about the Artist Voices: In-Conversation (online) event HERE.


Closing Event: Jane Austen at GHT: Friday 21st February, 6pm – 9pm

Join us at God’s House Tower on Friday 21st February as we say goodbye to three exhibitions: In Training for a Heroine: Jane Austen’s Travelling Writing Desk, No Notion of Loving by Halves by Jocelyn McGregor and Dear Jane: a Volunteers Showcase.

This will be the last chance to see the live performance of No Notion of Loving by Halves, written and directed by Jocelyn McGregor. A warped, re-imagining of Northanger Abbey, the performance explores the multiple interpretations of Austen’s work and possible inspirations behind Northanger Abbey itself, particularly the purportedly True and Affecting Story of the Duchess of C***, the tale of an Italian Duchess locked in a dungeon for 9 years by her jealous husband that likely inspired the character of Mrs Tilney.

Find out more about the Closing Event: Jane Austen at GHT HERE




More information about the current contemporary commission No Notion of Loving by Halves:

No Notion of Loving by Halves is an exhibition by Jocelyn McGregor, commissioned by ‘a space’ arts. It is a site-specific, multi-media installation and programme of live performances that take a deep dive into Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and the enduring legacy of the ‘Female Gothic’. 

The title of the exhibition comes from a line in Northanger Abbey, where one of the lead female characters, Isabella proclaims “I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. My attachments are always excessively strong.”

Read more about contemporary commission No Notion of Loving by Halves